Pig-Tailed Langur 

(Simias Concolor)

Morfology :  

  • Its fur is black-brown, and its hairless face is also black.
  • the tail is only slightly furred and is only 15 cm long.
  • The short nose is pointed upward.
  • The Pig-tailed Langur reaches a full grown length of approximately 50 cm and a weight of 7 kg.
  • Adults males are significantly larger bodied than females, and their cacanine teeth are twice as long as females’ canines.

Habitat :

  • It lives in small groups (3 to 8 animals), which consist of a male, one or more females, and their offspring. 
  • This primate lives only on the Mentawai Islands, where it is known as Simakobou in Siberut and Simasepsep on the southern islands of Sipura, North Pagai, and South Pagai. Two of these islands, North- and South-Pagai, are its main range. It is a diurnal and arboreal rain forest dweller, rarely coming to the ground. 

Classification : 

Regnum       :    Animalia
Phylum        :    Chordata
Cladus         :    Chordata Craniata
Subphylum   :    Vertebrata
Infraphylum  :    Gnathostomata
Superclassis :    Tetrapoda
Classis         :    Mammalia
Subclassis    :    Theria
Infraclassis   :    Placentalia
Ordo           :    Primates
Subordo      :    Haplorrhini
Infraordo     :    Simiiformes
Parvordo     :    Catarrhini
Superfamilia :    Cercopithecoidea
Familia         :    Cercopithecidae
Subfamilia    :    Colobinae
Genus          :    Simias
Species        :    Simias concolor

Behavior : 

  • They spend half the day feeding and foraging, seemingly dividing a third of their time evenly between eating fruits, leaves, and seeds. They rest for just over a third of each day. 
  • Males often respond to hunters by performing vocal distraction displays, whereas females flee silently, leaving other group members unwarned and vulnerable. 
  • It is only Asiatic colobine in which females have sexual swellings, and the only colobine with sexual swellings that lives in one-male groups.
  •  Simakobu male can shout and be heard up to 500 m. Shouts consists of several series in one breath pulled thing. Shouts could be a spontaneous shouts, screams from the other male simakobu or in response to another voice.  

Diet : 

     The pig-tailed snub-nosed monkey eats mostly leaves and some fruit and berries.